An Invitation to…Come Home to Your Body, Come Home to Your Self

Like a home, our bodies can be a source of comfort, support and guidance, a sanctuary for the soul. Our bodies can also be a source of discomfort, unease and pain. To feel more at home in our bodies, we need to listen to them. They tell us about our inner and outer environments. Our bodies know the stories of our lives. They help us to make sense of who we are and the “home” we are living in.

In this experiential and interactive workshop, you will guided on an interior journey to explore the following questions: * How does your “foundation” need to be shored up so you can feel greater safety and security? * What would this look and feel like? * Have you stored away emotional energy that needs to be cleared so you can feel lighter and freer? * What do you and your body need to release this energy? * Are there injured places within you that need attention and lasting repair instead of makeshift ones?

Saturday, November 16th

9 AM - 10:30 AM

Facilitator: Theresa Pettersen-Chu

Open to: Curious Minds

Cost: $65

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